Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

INT. DINER - DAY 8 It's a local tourist place, but off-season empty. An old couple drink coffee at the counter. Joel sits in a booth and eats a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of tomato soup. In his notebook he is drawing a wizened old man with a metal detector. His metal detector has led him to another dead old man clutching a metal detector. Joel meekly, unsuccessfully, tries to get the waitress's attention for more coffee. Clementine enters, looks around, takes off her hood. Joel glances at her bright blue hair. She picks an empty booth and sits. Joel studies her discreetly. The waitress approaches her with a coffee pot. CLEMENTINE Hi, it's me again! My home away from home. WAITRESS Coffee? CLEMENTINE God, yes. You've saved my life! Brrr! The waitress pours the coffee. WAITRESS You know what you want? CLEMENTINE (laughing) Ain't that the question of the century. The waitress is not amused. Clementine gets business-like. CLEMENTINE (CONT'D) You got grilled cheese and tomato soup again today? WAITRESS We're having a run on it. The waitress heads to the grill. Clementine fishes in her bag, brings the coffee cup under the table for a moment, pours something in, then brings the cup back up.